Saturday, January 12, 2013


       It's one of those nights where epiphany can strike tonight.  I hold to no evidence or mathematics behind what I am about to describe in this post, but it is an interesting thought (or so I think, given that it's 3a.m).
       My thought is in concerns to gravity.  Recently there has been some research and hypotheticals that the phenomena we know as gravity is from the principles of another dimension (6th or 9th dimension alternatives, I'm not entirely sure right now).  This idea would mean that in mass, and in a currently non-perceived way, our universe as we understand it is perferated and leaking this strange glue we know as gravity together.
       Gravity is an accepted theory.  This means it is for all scientific properties and arguments, a valid law that cannot be reproduced in full within a lab setting (like evolution).  Now for those who may not know, scientists still haven't figured out exactly how gravity works.  By current models of modern physics, we have attempted several ways to define and pin down gravity's origins, but in every case so far there is still a glaring problem that contradicts other cornerstones of physics.  Without getting into a great amount of math and details, gravity is the essential middle finger to physics.  Not that there aren't compelling and very valid explanations and ideas about how gravity works, it's just that in conjunction with modern physics laws, gravity becomes the square peg for the round hole.
       So this is where my thought comes in.  What if we have been thinking about the relative shape of our universe all wrong?  I would believe thinking of it as a point is valid.  One stop of many, one instance of night infinite possibilities.  But I don't believe it is a stand alone point.  I think it is a point where two other dimensional possibilities overlap- like the overlapping area of a weave.
My awesome diagram
       Now, with one strand of infinite universes where the only constant would be the physics alienating principle gravity (grey spraypaint line); the other strand would be infinite universes where the only constant would be something else-in this case electron charge (I know, there's a better term for what I'm getting at like subatomic polarity or something sciencey like that, I'm not a physicist, and it's 3a.m).  Now when these two (and admittedly infinitely more) of these strands weave around each other, it would make sense that in the overlapping areas they shared parts of their series together.  It wouldn't be 100%, but maybe it's like a weave made of course rope- minute fibers would scratch their way into the opposing strand, puncturing it randomly, but in some volume.
       This would not only allow for us to conceive of our reality as being a fixated point within the higher dimensions, but would also justify why other dimensional causes would leak into our own.  Then again, now that I'm typing this all out, it just starts to sound vaguely like string theory...  I'll have to read more into it later, as I just wanted to get this down before falling asleep.  You can read more and discuss.

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