Is there no better feeling for the average college student than to finally put your pencil down after the last test at the end of another grueling semester? Well, perhaps the celebratory beer and pizza the evening after finals week is over... but really, it is always an accomplishment to finish out another semester. Even before grades are posted, and even if one does not do as well as hoped, it comes as a major undertaking for coming to the end, gaining more intelligence, and getting one step closer to a hopeful goal.
This is my fifth year of college, I've been a junior in two undergraduate programs, and I am ready to move on with my life. However, instead of counting down the minutes I prefer to keep busy so the time flies. Now I am three semesters away from my undergraduate degree, and anxious. It is becoming more and more taxing to keep going, and just not throw in the towel. For that reason, every semester I successfully completed is one tippy-toe nudge closer to my degree. That stupid, flimsy, easily printed, piece of paper, is my main reason for just staying at my current state in life.
So to all lower classman, and burned out upper classroom, hang in there, you are closer now than you have ever been, and you will only continue to get closer.
Yeah, but once you are passed this next semester, you start to see the light at the end of the tunnel, which then becomes its own motivation, which is very useful. So hang in there, power through one more semester and then you'll start to see the end. Good job on another semester down!