Wednesday, May 25, 2011


So here is to the first post of summer (I think...). So far it has been rather dreary and rainy ere whatnot. It has also been a relief. I finally get to feel like people are human again, and that all the pointless drama of the year has finally ebbed out.
I love the summer because I finally have time to set my mind into an inspired mode. No class or performance ensembles to get in my way, I only have to work full time.
So far the things I have been inspired to do this summer:
1)Learn to program in C++(+)*
2)Compose more*
3)Start a studio of my own
4)Do small fun crafts and projects. (need to get different creative outlets to grow the bigger one!)
5) Go geochacheing! The weather hasn't been too permitable yet...
6)Practice, Practice, Practice- I actually want to keep my chops now that I feel like I'm good enough to actually call myself a musician, can't screw that up!
7)Grow my relationships more. Cmon, it's hard to be always present during the school year, so I need to make summer count!
8)Cook new and exciting things (nom)
9)Work up my Senior Rectial music. I want it done. NOW
10)READ (i have around 20+books laying around at home I've been waiting to read...)
11)Take my GRE. My last year has come, I need to actually test, and ya know, get into grad school.
12) Get grad school applications. It has finally come to this.
13)Fix my damn car.
14)Make it to Boise for friends and family. (a few set dates in mind)
15)Work with digital sound programs.*
Probably a lot more to add to this, just not on the top of my head atm.
There are a few of these goals that have a (*) next to them. These are so I can say this in one fell swoop-that these goals pertain to a larger, long term goal I have in mind. That I really want to work on becoming a video game/movie composer. It is kind of backwards to be getting my masters in Information Technologies and want to become a composer, but the way I look at it is that I need a day job for this sort of trick to work. Information Technologies offers a great day job I will love, as well advanced techniques into programming. Coupling that experience with my musical background and want to compose, I believe I would make a damn fine composer for any company that would have me. And if one day that could be my day job, so be it.
It was a crazy school year, lots of drama, lots of learning, lots of growing. I feel though, that now as the end is approaching for my undergraduate career, that I have a second wind for this whole education thing, that I feel like I can tackle another degree and be more than ready to face the adult world. I don't intend to slack in my work ethic by any means, I desire to take my life and make something out of it. I could be a great librarian, I could also be a great composer, I will be a great parent and husband someday, and overall, I intend to do ALL these things simultaneously. You only get one shot at this life thing, might as well make it count dammit.

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