Monday, June 11, 2012

5/28/12 To a Magical Place

A fun filled day.  We have another great breakfast and a rehearsal right afterward.
                Some lunch around the town then up to see the Hoff Weinstein castle (the one that Disney based his castle off of).  The tour area is quaint, with a lake, ring of Alps, farmland country side, running river, two castles and a lot of grass.  We take the mini bus up to the drop off point.  The trail is steady as we head up to a bridge on the map.  On the bridge, there is a fantastic view of the castle, but a thick mass of people each pushing their way around.  I got about 5 ft. onto the bridge before calling it quits.  On top of the hill there sat a man playing a zither and singing, I enjoyed his music and tipped him a euro. 
Still cool, despite the plasticwrap.

                The outside of the castle was undergoing renovations on one side.  We made our way inside the castle and heard the story about its origins.  King Ludwig II was a little silly about fantasy tales.  He had one castle as a kid made so he could pretend to be fighting dragons.  Then as an adult he made a second castle.  This castle’s outward appearance was so expensive that he couldn’t afford to finish the inside in quite such a nice fashion.  Most of the rooms were decorated by paintings, carvings, tapestries, all of which were based off of Wagnerian plays.  I wasn’t too terribly impressed by the 150 year old castle, but then again, I had just see buildings predating Christ, so that was a high bar to begin with. 
                The walk out through was tricky, because you have one souvenir shop following down to a café.  Then we headed down a spiral staircase to another souvenir shop, to another couple flights of stairs.  Finally an underground tunnel let us out halfway up the hill.
                Outside the exit there is another souvenir shop- one with all the same stuff as the other shops, but at a quarter of the price.  Here I buy another beer and a pretzel- pretzels are a German food, and delicious.
                We mosey on down the hill to where the horse carriages pick up people to give them a ride down to the bus lot.  As we arrive, the last horse carriage was just starting its journey with a full carriage.  We weren’t the only ones to have such bad timing, a couple of people from one of the other choirs also had to walk down the hill.  They made good conversation, and the walk was delightful, so no loss.
                We spend a little bit of time hanging out in a souvenir shop and barely make it back to the bus on time.  We headed back to Innsbruck proper, where we had dinner with a show of the local folk song and dance.
Great show! Great workout...

                The dinner was yet again fantastic- a French onion soup, followed by turkey in a teriyaki type sauce, potatoes, and fried zucchini.  The show, well, that was a great spectacle.  They wove the traditional liedenhosen and had the local yodeling (sounding exactly like Goofy from the Disney cartoons).  Their music was polka-ish, and they were always working hard with a lot of energy.  It was quite the show  At one point they got one of our choir lady folks to go up and sweep after a log cutting competition-it was great.
                Another night passing around a wine bottle, and a deep sleep to follow.

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