By no means am I in a hurry to get married.
Why? I don't know, there are a lot of legal repricussions for getting hitched, ontop of the fact that even with divorce being oh so simple now-a-days, (as well as having gone through one with my parents) I feel that marriage is something you do pretending divorce was not an option, ever. You commit to that person for life, and I have a hard time doing that unless I really understand the person.
Let me advertise this real quick before I start getting flamed for this post:
This is my personal feeling, and does not reflect upon anyone or their marital decisions. With that said, back to the post.
I have to spend years to truely get to know a person, because one year is nothing in the grand scheme of things. I've lived with some of my closest friends for years, and I still barely know them really... And I live with my current girlfriend, and she is my best friend, but we still don't know everything about each other, and God (ha!) willing, that will never change. I have no intent on ever leaving her, and yes we've discussed the "M" word, and agreed that waiting is what we both want.

Now here's where I don't care about people flaming me- she and I have been together longer than I'd say 30% of the married couples I know. That's not a small number either, considering I include relatives and old friends. So really, how do "know" that the person is right for you in a matter of a few months? Or are most people just kidding themselves in wanting sex or to fit the social norm? I don't have anyone in mind in saying any of this, I just could never make such a mega decision so lightly.
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