Friday, October 15, 2010

Dear Professor

So yesterday's (thursday) rant was going to be about professors. It is funny that a lot of freshman assume that their professors are their to educate them-as they assumed their highschool teachers had. But the truth is that most of the professors I've ever had were not educators, and were really in the college setting just because they had no other choice. So it is rare when there is aprofessor who actually cares about their students- whether it be from just getting to know them, asking them how they are doing (in class or socially) or just making sure that their students succeed in life. Though, they are few and far between, they are typically the professors we all remember and try and get back in touch with 10 years down the line when we have advanced degrees....or something. I don't know really, I just want to say I appreciate what my professors do for me and how hard they work to secure a better education for me and my peers. That's about all i have for now.

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