Monday, October 11, 2010

Trying this again

So basically i created this this blog and never used it. so lets see fi i can give it another go.

Today i realized something while i was doing pickup in the library. I caught my image reflected in one of the tinted windows by the history area, and to my great disturbance i realized i no longer look like that highschool kid. It just perturbed me because i have always thought of myself as that tall dorky guy with long hair and acne problems. But when I looked into the reflection I saw me as I am now-a tall, slight filled out man (still tall and dorky, but not un-handsome) with a five-o'clock goatee shadow.

Really, other than that, all i can honestly say is today blew donkey balls, as it was a monday, and it's midterms. Oh how I wish I already had my masters degree and a job...

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