Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I just finished washing an X-Files episode where a cow growth hormone was used to sabotage a village to benefit a cult of vegans. Well, the long and short is in 1994 this was considered cutting edge science fiction material. Today? Nearly common knowledge the stuff is poison. What gets even creepier-a few other episodes have come to an eerie fruition. I find it fascinating how fiction writers always create good works by taking current day society, adding a twist of what may become in the near future, and sprinkling a little of the supernatural to keep things interesting. And spare the supernatural, how damn close so many of them get. I mean it still blows my mind we have the human genome mapped, let alone blanked a stem cell, created an organic microchip, organic tv screens, as well as the internet. All of which are total science fiction.

anyways, back to my essay. just blew my mind a little.

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